My self-care first aid is mindful breathing. Taking a few deep, focused breaths is a simple yet profound aid for such a range of situations! The prime areas I have been investing in for self-care include: psychotherapy, sleep, exercise, meditation, books and sunshine. All my subsequent devoted time and efforts have been positively life-changing!
In the past, I spent the majority of my life battling with my own self. Taking in a lot of negative feelings from life circumstances that were out of my control or beyond my understanding and taking them out on my own self. Professional help, alongside personal work (self-reflection, self-compassion, self-forgiveness, self-acceptance) and the subsequent positive actions, have been key to my self-love journey. No doubt a slow, hard and ongoing process, that has been lifesaving and incredibly rewarding. Realising that life is really ‘too short’ and that I’m the prime responsive of living my own best life are equally my drive for wanting to be as healthy as possible (inside and out), and thus truly embracing and investing in self-care.